Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The term "INDEPENDENT HISTORIAN," is perhaps best defined by ADAM COLLINGS.  In 1977 he launched his own career as a professional writer, editor and publisher with what he describes as "an innocuous little book celebrating the virtues of Orange County. "   That "innocuous little book" went on to sell 60,000 copies.
Suddenly Collings found himself digging into library archives to meet the demands of corporate California.  Home Federal Savings wanted 100,000 copies of a book entitled SAN DIEGO.  Great American Savings Bank requested 200,000 copies of Adam's CALIFORNIA, THE GOLDEN STATE.  Home Federal Savings returning with an order for 300,000 copies of Collings's book THE WEST.

There have been 53 such publication in various forms, as well as "complete guides" for California, Western National Parks, et al.  Nor does Adam's creativity stop there having designed and launched storybook calendars for DISNEYLAND as well as bumper stickers and posters for non-profit organizations.

Still, Adam finds time each week to volunteer a minimum of eight hours for organizations and causes focused  upon strengthening community and protecting the environment..

Adam is at work now in completing his four volume CALIFORNIA WEST OF THE WEST, which celebrates "an unpredented land and its people," to quote the author himself.  "In my humble opinion," he says, ":this is a story that has never been adequately told,"  Collings also believes that California's story is "one of the greatest social experiments since the advent of Rome."

Underscoring all of Adam's endeavors has been his self-styled approach to research.  An honor graduate of Garden Grove Hish School in 1972, he began his career working for Retlaw Enterprises (today the Walt Disney Family Foundation) onsite at Disneyland. There he remained, "out amongst the Story itself," he says, while completing an AA Degree in Business Administration at Fullerton College and studies in Environmental Design at Cal Poly Pomona  (he wanted to help install EPCOT as envisioned by Walt Disney). 

In the middle of these endeavors The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints called upon Adam to serve a two year mission in then war torn Santiago, Chile.  Returning thereafter to Disneyland he found himself being pressed into service by his Church again, this time as a Seminary teacher.  Elder Collings
thereafter adding to his credentials by graduating from the LDS Institute of Religion.

The young Mr Collings continued extensive studies in  private collections across the State, including the Braun Reserach Institute at the Southwest Museum.  Dedicated to accuracy and thorough research, he inhabits his Story, interviewing descendants and visiting the homesteads and historic sites related to his subjects.

Adam will read excerpts from his soon to be released CALIFORNIA WEST OF THE WEST at the March 17th  luncheon. Huntington Westerners are urged to share this special event with guests.

Tags: Best sellings author Adam Collings California West of the West, Huntington Library, California

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